Types of Membership

Associate (Supplier/Vendor Membership)

Supplier/Vendor profiles are public facing and can be searched and found by the public when searching on the AVIP website.  Membership Cost based on company size

Company Standard Member (1-5 employees) - $1,000.00 (USD) - 1 Supplier/Vendor Membership
Company Standard Member (6-19 employees) - $1,500.00 (USD) - 2  Memberships
Company Standard Member (20-49 employees) - $2,500.00 (USD) - 3 Memberships
Company Standard Member (50-74 employees) - $3,000.00 (USD) - 4 Memberships
Company Standard Member (75+ employees) - $3,500 (USD) - 5  Memberships

Once you make your payment, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to complete your Associate Profile(s) and select from one of the member types below.

Supplier/Vendor - Laboratory Services
Supplier/Vendor - Mitigation Services
Supplier/Vendor - Equipment/Supplies

Supplier/Vendor Membership Application Form

Individual Membership Levels

Professional Membership - $150/Year - Professional Membership profiles are public facing and can be searched and found by the public when searching on the AVIP website.   Access to all resources, forums as well as the ability to search for Suppliers/Vendors. 

 Government - $35/Year - Government Membership profiles are public-facing and can be searched and found by the public when searching on the AVIP website.   Access to all resources, forums as well as the ability to search for Suppliers/Vendors.

 Student - $25/Year - Student Membership profiles are industry-facing.   Access to all resources, forums.  

 Contributions to section 501(c)(6) organizations are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor's federal income tax return. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer's business.

Application Form
